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#沒有專家會告訴您的 #Shopify #黑暗面…請注意
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Shopify sounds like youtube… Most of us will never grow on YouTube….you can take down YouTube channel with fake copyright claims…..i wish some lawyer would step up .there are loop holes that make it unsafe if u do content videos..
The payment processing is a "no deal" for me.
Hey, Steve. I sent you a message thru website form last week and I wanted to make sure you got it
Shopify fees are hefty but nothing is crazier than Pay Pal. The worst company when it comes to holding your money.
So true! I seriously wondered why so many of them become borderline angry when you question if Shop ify is the right choice. Now I know …
I think that dropshipping will always be a good business because people simply need to buy things, and if you can find good products and make your store appealing, you will be really successful. But for me, the thing was that I couldn't get sales until I got like really good products (I used, and I am still using, a little bit of winnerzila as source of my info). I am now having a store with almost 100 sales per day. Honestly I never thought it would be this good.
Which platform you use for your bubble bee store?
What about squarespace
Who prefers Shift 4 shop?
There is a website called lunchcart for print on demand, is it good?
I like Shopify, but I was just put on 10% reserve because some of my products are preorders. 10% for 90 days is insane. Especially because the reserve doesn’t do anything to cover the cost of a charge back. They claim it’s for charge backs, but I’ve only had 6 the entire year and I’ve only lost one. This is with upper 6 figures in revenue. It’s also convenient that I’ve just paid back almost all my Shopify loan in less then 5 months. almost like they are trying to force me to get another one…
No one from Shopify has ever reached out to help me create a better store, to share best practices, or treat me as a valued customer or partner.
Best advice I can give is keep hustling, diversify your risk with multi channel selling, find partners, and sell like your life depends on it.
Adapt or die
A lot of the things the “gurus” recommend is just what pays the best commissions. Never recommended shopify
Thanks Steve ❗️ The plandemic was to take 🇺🇲 down and places like Amazon, FB, goggle are in bed with China
Do you know what platform that would work selling coffee ❓️
Great information. You might want to add that these problems happen on almost all other services as well. It seems bias and/or incomplete to leave that caveat out. It would also be good if you mentioned a few alternatives (and that would moisten our appetite to watch a whole other video!). Keep up the good work.
Which platform do you recommend instead?
Back in 2018 when I was just getting into e-commerce, I created my first store. It was a dropshipping store that took me about 14 days to create, I was so excited that I was pulling all nighters learning and setting up everything.
When I started running ads to that store, Shopify banned the store with no reason as to why and the only response I would get was a generic email saying that my store has been disabled and they couldn’t tell me why. I could not log in at all, everything was gone. Even when I would get a customer service rep that sounded like they could figure out what’s going on and help, when they would come back from a brief hold, they would say there’s nothing that could be done. Every store I would try to create after that would be banned after a few hours. I was so defeated I think I might’ve cried that night lol that was a low moment for me.
Fast forward to 2021, I now have my clothing store on Shopify and never had any issues like that since. I think the issue was that dropshipping stores back then we’re risky and they kept marking my ip as fraud, who knows. But ever since that happened, I know that at any moment, my store can be taken from me if I break a policy that I don’t even know about. Not a good feeling
I wiĺl consider big commerce instead
Thanks for the info! I have been using Shopify since 2017 & have 2 accounts one is a shop and another is only a blog. It’s very easy to use and yes I agree with the App Store being so expensive and the best way to get around that is to buy a really really good theme. The only apps I pay for is my email marketing and an Etsy integration app. I have heard of shops getting banned! Which is awful! But I have had a good experience so far. Good info to know! 😅
The Shopify helpdesk tried to saddle me up with a 800 dollar costing payment processor app without a warning. So I cancelled my trial. For someone who lives in Paraguay it is not easy to get going because services like Paypal and Stripe don't do business with you. So now I am following the U.S. based LLC route in order to be able to sell and get paid. Meanwhile I am building my website somewhere else which means it is not so sleak and automated but it saves me money on the other hand.because of the low start up and running costs.
WOW!! These are all great nuggets!! I am just getting my business started and I was going to go with them. So thank you very much for sharing!!
I live in Ottawa Ontario where Shopify is from rumours are that Shopify is not doing very well
Ad just popped up while watching the video… the ad was for Shopify! 😂
Very informative, thank you. I was heavily thinking of going with Shopify but now I have something to consider.
Thankyou for the info … much appreciated