如何為Shopify 2023 運行Video teaching 廣告(完整設定和教學) ▶ Shopify(14 天免費試用+ 3 個月,每月1 美元) ▶ Video teaching Business 頁面教學🔗 影片中提到的其他連結Video teaching Business Manager: – 該影片的說明包含附屬鏈接,這意味著如果您購買我推薦的產品之一,我將收到少量佣金,而無需您支付任何額外費用。 這有助於支持該頻道,並使我能夠繼續製作這樣的影片。 感謝您的支持!
#如何為 #Shopify #運行 #Video teaching #廣告完整設定和教學
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Sir my Facebook business manager is restricted what should i do now😢
Thankyou very much !👍 However would request you to address this query :- If the 2nd domain that we are using is from another provider; ie other than shopify..then would we still need to verify that domain as well? If yes, how to go about verifying that other domain ? kindly clarify….thanks
I;m facing trouble on the step "send test traffic" its not getting verify connection what do I do?
Very helpful indeed, thanks a ton ! If i may suggest, would be great if you give us an update with the new options best practices (dynamic creative, set level- I just discovered it can't be duplicated it can only have one Ad) so is it a good option to follow or not really ?
and also the "Advantage+ audience" option, which seems to be highly recommended but also removes all the work aroudn intersts groups!
I would like you to zoom in each point before you want to click on.
I think that you should point your pointer slowly for beginner, thanks. May God with you all the time.
I think Facebook has changed the ad sets. Anyone can see that change. I cannot add age range and cannot do the manual placement for the ads.
Bro after watching so much videos i got the point in this video. Love you ❤
web event configuration does not work in my meta . its says i no longer need to do it . what does it mean ?
i cant connect facebook account on my shopify store its showing me not eleigible can you help
Big thank you for your video ! it was really helpful. The best tutorial on Facebook ads on YouTube by far
pinga cb puedes ser mas claro
cb pegate un tirou no entendi nada xD
thank you so much, this was very helpful.
What to do with the facebook shop that got created in the process ?
Hello. Why is that ? 😇😪😴
I have a question. Do i need to create a new Facebook and instagram page for my shopify store ads campaign ?
I can increase your Facebook page feedback score
Is it possible to advertise on Facebook without even verifying domains? Will it work properly?
Domain Verification is still under process on business Facebook.
Best video!
Nice man, I learn everything well from this video