使用我的連結在此處註冊免費的 Shopify 帳戶:在此處註冊 Tiktok 廣告:我創建了這個直銷課程,並且我過去已將其出售以換取金錢。 五年前,我來這裡是為了提供價值並幫助像我這樣的人,完全免費。 我所要求的就是你喜歡、訂閱、評論一些好的東西,並與需要的朋友分享。 盡情享受吧:) – 你的朋友Ryan 在IG @ryanmayaa 上關注我0:00 介紹/Shopify 帳戶設定(5 節課) 28:20 尋找獲勝產品(18 節課) 1:27:00 構建銷售店面( 10 堂課) ) 2:22:00 行銷(Video teaching/IG 廣告)(24 堂課) 4:50:10 創作、拍攝、編輯Video teaching 廣告(9 課) 5:24:30 電子郵件與簡訊行銷(4 課) 6:02: 39 社群媒體、顧客服務、擴展(13 課)
#我的價值 #美元的 #Shopify #Dropshipping #課程 #免費
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If you want to level up from dropshipping, and start your brand, watch this vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igsClVgyKa4&lc=Ugzr0FvCwfRUG0xvDzZ4AaABAg
Hey Ryan, I greatly appreciate all the work that went into this video and you sharing it for free. I know you must be a busy man, being a business owner, but I have a couple questions if you have the time to spare to answer them. Sorry for the length of this comment, I'm the type of person that tends to overthink and always wants to know the nitty gritty of everything lol.
1: Am I correct in thinking that dropshipping is essentially you taking a product made by someone else, marking it up, and then selling it yourself for both the benefit of you and the supplier? You make money while increasing their sales?
2: It seems like in both high ticket and low ticket dropshipping, you are always selling the product for more than you buy it. If we are selling the product for $30 when in reality it's only $5, wouldn't the customer just try to shop around and find it for cheaper?
3: During the testing phase, would it be a good idea to order the products you're selling yourself, so that way you can test them out and make sure they're good quality?
4: So if we're looking at popular products that already have traffic directed to their own website, how (and why) are we trying to sell that product for more elsewhere? What's to stop them from just spending more money on ads and getting their original website promoted more than our own?
5: Do we need to worry about legal issues when choosing a product such as copyright? Do you contact the seller beforehand and request permission to dropship their product? It kinda feels like stealing by not asking first (or I'm just imagining it).
6: What about the security of the website? Is that handled by Shopify themselves? Such as the likelihood of your website being hacked, customer info being stolen, etc.
(I typed all this out at about the 1 hour mark of the video so I apologize if some of these questions were answered later in the video and I haven't caught them yet.)
thank you for sharing your knowledge with us Ryan, I am deeply grateful. sending love from South Africa❤
I'm from Egypt, so can I sell my product to US or even UK??
Hey Ryan. Do you even need any money to start dropshipping
Just started watching the video and have a question about shipping
Who pays for shipping from manufacture to warehouse and from warehouse to the customer ?
Thank you
How many people's making money through this course ?
Hey Ryan, great video and really insightful. How can I contact you, I've got some specific questions I wanna ask
Appreciate what you're doing just started watching the video, i have always wanted a dropshipping store but lack the knowledge, I'm hoping after finishing this tutorial i would have my very own dropshipping up and running, i know it wouldn't be easy but I'm ready to learn, thanks again
Thank you for the video. Question, can you provide a more in-depth vid on horizontal scaling/vertical scaling on Facebook including having omnipresence and etc. Thank you!
Thank you for your help because of you I have established very succesful dropshipping business and now I make over 10k a month.Making money is an action but keeping it is the real talennt
Yo Ryan thanks man so many tips in one vid. Quick question though ,oberlo isn't an option in the app store?
What do you use in place of Oberlo now since its no longer available?
Hi Ryan! amazing video, respect how much work you have stopped in it. But I've a question. Which app do you recommend after the taking down of Oberlo?
When ever I have some problem in my journey your this video help me ever ❤❤❤love it hundred time ❤❤
i have a genuine question, I have seen tons of drop shippers trying to sell their online courses. If drop shipping is so profitable, why is everyone trying to make money by selling courses at such high prices. Is it really the drop shipping business that earns money or is it the online courses?
Why is no one discussing the necessity of opening a company, which incurs costs, to enable the integration of payment services like Stripe with your Shopify store? You are all overlooking the requirement to establish a legal entity for operation.
4:48:36 rewards points
Im a indian, can i get buyers all over the world?
Hey Ryan ! Thank you for the video, I am currently at 2:21:28 of the video and I have some questions:
1-Do i have to ask the permission of the different suppliers to sell their products under my own brand?
2-You said that we should start with one product but on your « ryan’s knifes » website you sell different products/knifes from different suppliers. Can i only depend on one supplier and just sell different versions (colors/types) of his product?
3-Do I have to sell in my country (France) and do everything in french (advertising/website) or can i sell in the USA and reach the american audience? Because i don’t know how to locate my sellings