使用網站建立器取得免費的 WordPress 網站:Ryan 🙂
#Joomla #與 #WordPress
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You have a great voice for video. But you are very bias. You didn't give a single point in which Joomla would be better. Just given 10 points to wordpress. You should at least compare
Thanks for clarifying. I am now in a position to decide which CMS I should go for.
You don't need a lot of plugins when your core can do a whole lot. #JoomlaRules
Appele vs Oranges not cool man
joomla is better, wordpress is more popular because more people are making money of it. because it is not really free, you have to pay for a theme and then if you want anything else than posts you need to use advanced custom field and usually the pro version and then modify php which for most users is intimidating. yes there amore plugins but usually you have to buy the pro version
Dear Ryan you should update this video little bit. Joomla is so much versatile than WordPress. WordPress has just better marketing.
Joomla is better.. imo
Thank you for your video! I loved the way you explained things, I didn't feel after 100% comfortable about my decision, even after watching point for point comparisons videos on Joomla Vs WordPress, but now I do. Thanks again!
Well.. this is what happen when a "developer wanna be" (I call them CMS installer) do a comparison video. More people shop in Walmart than Saks Fifth Ave but that definitely NOT because Walmart products are better quality. Cheap price attract more people. That's all. Don't get me wrong, I work on WordPress as well as Joomla! and Drupal. Good developer should pick the CMS based on client's needs! NOT based on how easy it is to find plugins and add-ons. Sometime you may even have to go with no CMS and build the site from scratch if you have to. Otherwise you will just be like this guy, a DEVELOPER WANNA BE (Read: CMS Installer).
Wordpiss is a Blogging CMS—Joomla is a real CMS, that can also do blogging
what about security? Read this post : https://joejoomla.com/253-joomla-vs-wordpress-for-security
This is NOT a caparison. Personally this is how it is, smart people use joomla, unsmart people use wordpress. 🙂
They both have their strong points, this is someone that obviously only believes in wordpress. Another 5 minutes of my life gone thinking it was going to be more informational. I have used both and prefer Joomla, but for some things like blogs, I would only use wordpress.
Great video, you sold me on WordPress, was going that direction anyway. I really appreciated the fact that there was no annoying music in this video.
this guy sells wordpress websites for a living. hey ryan what do you suggest? "eh wordpress" NO REALLY
Hello sir, can i use 2 cms joomla and drupal in one computer with database server….pls reply
My name is Mirko, I'm from germany and i'm a Digital and Print Media Designer Subject Area: Design and Technology. I work everyday with different CMS-Solutions. From Drupal, Joomla to Typo3. During my vocational training, I also worked with wordpress. I find that there are huge differences between Joomla and WordPress. I also find that with Joomla you can create better targeted for customer pages. Of course, Joomla is more complex, but a lot more functions are available. To get the same result in WordPress, I would have to install numerous plugins in wordpress. There are other solutions in the world of 'CMS' than WordPress, which are even better.
What CMS that ebay used?
Sorry but when you said that Joomla is not SEO-Friendly, that was incorrect! We've been using Joomla and WordPress ( including Magento, Drupal) for years (since the Flintstones) and when it comes to SEO, Joomla is SEO-Friendly! all you need to do is under 'Global Configuration' and under the 'SEO Settings' area, click 'Yes' for the 'Search Engine Friendly URLs', and 'Use URL Rewritting', rename your htaccess.txt to .htaccess (just like you would do for WordPress) and you are set. I am not sure whether you are really familiar with Joomla or not (but I believe you are not because you were totally wrong about Joomla and SEO). For Blogging, we always recommend our Clients to use WordPress, however, we were very successful using Joomla for Blogging sites. So unless you are an Experienced Joomla and WordPress user, I don't believe you can give an unbiased review/comparison.
wordpress sucks
my submission: if u wanna create a simple site, a blog and u wanna 'go easy' do WordPress. If you wanna go 'more techy' have some deep customizations, and you really care about advanced security features then do Joomla!. . . it just depends on your design-objectives tho!
Thanks for your suggestion
So Bad Comparison
you did not talk so much about jomla
Hello. Am building a corruption/fraud leak site. which one would you advice me to use?
Hi Ryan,
What's the URL to view Platform rankings?
Looks like you're promoting WordPress over Joomla just so you can get us to click on the link you then provide below the video and you can then get paid your commission. This is not a balanced Review.
hello sir, from your explanation, It seems you advice us to use WordPress but when it comes to big websites, are you saying Joomla is better in terms of that?
Thank you for explanation. I have a question sir. though I can work with HTML and CSS but this issue of CMS (Content Management Systems) are confusing me. Are both WordPress and Joomla meant to replace designing and implementing a website using HTML, CSS and PHP/MySQL? If so, I can design use CMS to design a huge website with database connection?
Thanks! What about JoSocial vs Buddypress?
Thanks for the explanation and clearing up some questions I had.
blog.. article based content, high text media consumption– use wordpress vs highly customizable web application for companies, modules and homebrew site suitable for tweaking, packaging and deploying upgrades and installers use joomla.
This is not a good "Joomla Vs WordPress" comparison.
This is a rambling monologue on how the author prefers WordPress. No proper effort to compare the systems, point for point.
Thanks for video it has been helpful
Hi, which do you recommend for building a standard, non-blogging, site? Seems like WordPress is for blogging only?
Thanks for the info!
There is a lot of bias (and some serious misinformation) in this – this is mostly a WP cheer session and is not an actual comparison of the relative strengths of either. Each has relative strong points that the other lacks, and there are reasons why you would choose one over the other. And to clear up one piece of bogus information: Joomla has incredible SEO out of the box. More bogus "…Sony…Ebay… use WordPress." Not for their main sites they don't, but for microsites and landing pages – a job WP is well suited for, I hasten to add. Hope that helps.
This is an old video and both platforms have significant changes, Joomla moreso, but significant improvements all around. On the front end (where your visitors go) you can't tell the difference.
So here's one place, at least, the world is actually getting better.
great video … hey its 2015 .. any plans on making another comparison ? how about Joomla vs WordPress vs Drupal , when to use and when not to use. Great video man . Kudos
thank you bro!
I use joomla for churches, companies and small businesses. On the other hand, I use wordpress for static brochure sites, and personal sites with blogs. If you are going to make a blog, I will recommend WordPress, period. And I won't argue with you with that.
Joomla is a website tool where you can make a blog out of it, while wordpress is a blogging tool where you can create a website out of it. See the difference?
SEO is the thing you need the most. Joomla is more powerful than WordPress when it comes with SEO but it doesn't mean that Joomla is easier to set than WordPress. You must do some tweaking and you must rename the htaccess.txt file to .htaccess. I don't know why they did not rename htaccess.txt to .htaccess out of the box. SEO is ready in WordPress right after the installation.
Joomla has 3 extensions, these are components (dynamic pages), plugins (custom programs inlined in articles) and modules (simply widgets). WordPress calls them all as plugin. Yes indeed that there are tons of plugins in wordpress than joomla, however most of the plugins you need in WordPress is already coded in Joomla's core. You even need a 3rd party extension for wordpress just to completely remove the comment section.
Joomla is easy to learn, but wordpress is easier to learn. But joomla is more powerful than wordpress. However, the more power it has, the more complicated it will be. Certainly not for people who don't know much more about computers.
But the most powerful among them all is drupal, if you have the skills
Great comparison Ryan, thank you!!
Any more recent comment or update? very helpful.
thanks, and nice outro
Very true. From experience Joomla let me down on SEO. WordPress definitely superior. However I got better SEO rankings for my sites by building my own simple CMS and simplifying all code on my sites
Thank you man, you helped a lot!