[2021 FULL COURSE] Helix Ultimate Framework Joomla – 您需要知道的一切 – 限時訪問
Learn Joomla Fast 2023-10-04 Article
Helix Ultimate Framework 是 Joomla 最好的框架之一,成千上萬的企業使用它來創建可靠且專業的網站,而無需編碼。 在這裡獲得即時一對一 Joomla 培訓:
#FULL #Helix #Ultimate #Framework #Joomla #您需要知道的一切 #限時訪問
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Great Vidéo
after having
1-create a subfolder in public_html named helixultimate
2-install the helix ultimate quickstart pack in this folder
3-customize my site according to the helix ultimate quickstart by following the video
my question :
how can I integrate this work result from public_html/helixultimate into the public_html directory
thank you
once again, Mathew Tamin, The God of Joomla Course, Best tutoring tutor, best comprehensive teaching teacher, this world has ever seen
Please come with Turkish translation, if you see fit, we can do Turkish translation for free.
Hi Mathew, great Video to learn helix ultimate.
Hi Mathew how did make my blog to have 3 columns like helix ulitmate
very good template but one problem cant get the humburger to open in mobile menu
I see you changing colors but hex is so old school when RGB gives us transparency. Also, when scrolling down it would be nice to have the color and or transparency change in the menu or topbar
Hi, When i change "Use URL Rewriting" after renaming the .htaccess, i get "page not found" for the about page. You suggestion does not seem to work.
Thanks for this detailed video. Have a question – How can I delete the footer section of homepage that has details for 'Information', 'Blog', 'Company' and 'Photos'?
I already have the latest version of Joomla 3.9 installed in a staging area. How can I use the Helix Ultimate Framework and the rest of this course with this? Thanks!
I use Joomla for 6 year from 2010, and move to WP until now.
After watching your video, I consider to back to Joomla, after version 4 released.
Thanks alot from Bali.
Time Stamp anyone?
Matthew I know we have spoken about this on zoom and I have watched this video over and over. I am still not understanding the module position. If I create a section how do I know what module position do I want? Why even give it a module position when I have created the section in the spot I want it on the page. Trying to understand the use case here.
How to restore Helix Ultimate landing page after downloading SP Page Builder? Some self-inflicted change shows ?tmpl=comingsoon results now (and not the default home page for HelixU Framework as in your videos). I understand that this is a template issue because the default template for Helix is the Coming Soon page (at least on my system). Any quick fix, please? Thx.
Many thanks. Very good explanation.
Thank you for the video. I would really help if you divided it in sections in the description, so that we can jump right into the essentials 🙂 for next time
Many thanks from the Uk. I've stayed up to 2.30am and very much appreciate all you do. Regards Jim
Get live 1-on-1 Joomla & Helix Ultimate Framework training for beginners…https://track.platnin.com/wpKFv